Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The First Post

You may be wondering why the first post of my study abroad blog is happening over a month before I leave the good old USA. Two answers exist to that question.

1) I need your help in figuring out what to pack- I will be gone for 3 1/2 months with drastically different temperatures, lots of travel to places with a different climate, and limited space. Any input/suggestions/outfit choices you may have are much appreciated.

2) I also wanted to set up the premise of the blog. I will be exploring European culture and a major part of that is style. The goal will be to embrace the style and feel for the fashion of the city I am in. I will post outfit that either represent the city, I have seen in the city, or that I wore in the city.

And one final thought:

If Washington, D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people does that make Brussels the Paris for ugly people?

1 comment:

  1. So happy to be the first commenter! Bring skirts! They're versatile, dressy or casual, based on your tops and you can always throw a sweater on after if you get cold!
